Remember, Remember, 5th November: Bonfire Night
It’s that time of the year again! It’s Bonfire Night on Remember, Remember the 5th November!
There are a lot of holidays concentrated in a short window in late October and early November. Diwali or the Festival of Lights is celebrated across the South Asian subcontinent. Then there is spooky Halloween, and last, Bonfire Night on the 5th November.
Bonfire Night, otherwise known as Guy Fawkes Night commemorates a failed assassination attempt of King James I some 400 years ago by Guy Fawkes and a group of radical English Catholics. Britons celebrate Fawkes’ failure by burning effigies, setting off fireworks, and lighting bonfires.

In previous years, we mark the occasion of Bonfire Night with sausages or a shepherd’s pie. This year we did something totally non-British, but one that involved fire. Kenz insisted on making a Texas-style smoked brisket on the Big Egg Green. Accompanying the brisket were classic southern potato salad, baked beans, and corn-the-cob to round out the ‘southern’ meal. Our friends whose son went to nursery with Lady Yeya joined us for a big feast and afternoon of catching up on their big move to Spain next year.
Bonfire Night with Classic S’mores
There’s nothing like feeling warm and cosy over a campfire. But it often means you end up smelling like wood fire. So what’s the solution? Enter the Solo Stove.
Kenz was keen to replace both the chiminea and bowl-style fire pit in favour of something that emits more heat, yet stylish. Some time over the summer, Kenz found an amazing deal on the Solo Stove Yukon. The sleek stainless steel Solo Stove is smoke-free thanks to patented double-wall with top vents to create a secondary combustion and nearly smokeless. The Solo Stove is low-maintenance, easy-to-clean and portable. We tested the Solo Stoves a few times. The verdict: we’re big fans.

We were excited to use the Solo Stove on Bonfire Night to roast marshmallows for s’mores. But alas, we unfortunately had classic British weather with cold rain. Instead we resorted to using the indoor fireplace. The rain didn’t spoil the afternoon of good eats with good friends and good vibes. We’ll just have to wait for a dry evening to re-create Bonfire Night, maybe every night with the Solo Stove.