Open Air Theatre at Regent’s Park
“Why, Sir, you find no man, at all intellectual, who is willing to leave London. No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford.”— Samuel Johnson
London is an organic behemoth of a metropolis that is always pulsating. There is always somewhere to go, something to see, or something to do and to become bored is an exercise in self-imposed house arrest. Tired from our various work and personal travels so far this year we have opted to lay low the last several weekends and in the process almost forgot how much there is to take advantage of in London. So this weekend we decided to resurface and hit the Regents Park Open Air Theatre for a performance of “The Lord of the Flies”.
Having read the book years ago in middle school, I forgot how much this story resonated with me and I couldn’t help but to draw parallels with the events unfolding on stage and the revolutionary patterns occurring across the Middle East. At its core it has always been a story that shows how man is both a carnal animal and a political beast and that attempts to organize and build institutions are always a balance between these diametrically opposed human instincts.
The Open Air Theatre is a great way to spend a clear and mild spring evening in London. The outdoor stage and sets of the amphitheatre fit in nicely with the trees and foliage of the park and, as this particular story is set on a deserted island, performing it outside amidst the natural elements provided extra authenticity. I was also quite impressed with the actors who are all up and coming young thespians hoping to break onto the London stage scene. The venue itself is intimate and small enough to the point that seat selection doesn’t really matter; you’ll have a great view from pretty much anywhere. To complete the evening be sure to pack a picnic hamper and enjoy the show!
For more information about Regent’s Park Open Air Theatre, please visit: http://openairtheatre.org/