Blog,  Growing Up,  Home Sweet Home,  London Life,  Parenthood,  Year 1

Happy Mother’s Day (US Edition)

Second Sunday of May marks Mother’s Day in the US. Happy Mother’s Day to all you beautiful mamas and those in heaven. 

Mother’s Day this year is bittersweet as it is the first one with both our mothers now in heaven. We pay gratitude to the women who gave us birth, taught us tough lessons on perseverance, resilience, and empathy. I carry their memories through my own journey in motherhood, and for that I am very grateful. 

Happy Mother's Day
Alfresco Garden BBQ

Spring has finally sprung in London! The warm sunny weather was perfect for alfresco dining. This weekend, I am grateful to spend Mother’s Day (US Edition) surrounded by my lady gang of mom friends in the glorious sunshine. 

It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon. The C Family came over for an impromptu pan-Asian themed BBQ, all grilled on the Big Green Egg. Like us, the C Family has one daughter who is Lady Yeya’s BFF. Because the girls attend different schools, they genuinely relish their time together whether at the park, playdates, sleepovers, and holidays. I’m always happy to have good friends around my table for a delicious meal.

As a bonus, another mom friend stopped by to drop off my recent purchase from her line of homeware. She stayed for a quick drink before heading off to enjoy their own kid-free evening. Each year for my birthday, Kenz gifts me a case of champagne to enjoy on special occasions throughout the year. Well Mother’s Day is one of those special occasions and calls for a celebration. Together, we opened a bottle Veuve Clicquot Extra Brut Extra Old to toast to Mother’s Day. 

Sunny Sunday at Dulwich Park

It was a perfect sunny day for the annual Dulwich Park Fair featuring live music, food truck, a dog show and a petting farm. We met up with a few SDC families at Dulwich Park. We spent time together as a family at the fair before splitting off as Lady Yeya had a birthday party nearby. As it was Mother’s Day, the dads kindly took the kids to the party so the moms can enjoy a few hours of music, sunshine and adult conversation. Thank you Dads for taking one for the team!

Heart Full of Gratitude

I am immensely grateful to my favourite humans – my husband and daughter – for giving me the gift of motherhood. And for my lovely group of mom friends for sharing this beautiful journey together. Last, a Happy Mother’s Day to our moms in heaven.

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